Wednesday, February 2, 2011

When God says “Go” you go! Right!? Right??

When God says “Go”  you go! Right!? Right??
Abraham the Father of faith was told by God, “Leave your father, and go to a land I will show you.” 
What do we do when God says go? You know those prayers we bring before the Lord, “ I give you my family, my ministry, my life Lord.! What is Your  will ? I lay it all down before You.”  And in our heart we put everything on the alter, a sweet smelling aroma of sacrifice……..But our head thinks, “Now He will just confirm and solidify the call, the post I am currently in, and all will be well with my soul!” Hey, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak! 
I sent that prayer to the throne room of grace and the answer came back, ~“GO”.~   
Specifically to France, a place I have yet to go to. My family tells me I am like a Jew. Jesus said the Jews seek a sign. How can I be called to a country that I have never even set foot in, a people I never have met. How do I know if it fits, do I  like it, and more importantly does it like me? I am one of those guys that has to try it on before I buy ya know! What would France look like on me……… and postulate, discuss with many friends and family, weigh the pro’s and cons, research on the web, become fully educated on all things France, learn the language (What!!!!) What would be the cost to me? My family? 
This sweater is not comfy at all, it is too tight, I don’t like the color, it weighs to heavy, it’s too hot and scratchy, I can’t breathe! Lord it doesn’t fit! Let’s try on something else, I have these three options to choose from, now you pick Lord!  ( if we are being honest this is how we try on God’s commands for our lives many times! )
Abraham was called to go to a land God would show him. He did not get to try Canaan on for size. He had no web to research. He simply had the word of the Lord “Go” and “I will show you.” From the human perspective there are a lot of holes in that plan! But when that plan comes from the throne in heaven you realize that is all the perspective you need! We all believe , so we think. But what we think is what we believe and that translates into action. How we live. How we respond when God speaks “go” in my case. Real faith has feet to it.
We all have hero’s in the faith. Since I was a child I have revered Joshua and Caleb. Great men of faith! I must admit I believed I was like them in life. The Lord has shown me otherwise since………..On my journey as I sought and prayed to have quite simply (so I thought) “more faith” I have discovered the heart of the thing for me. I have been living more like the spies that brought back a bad report of the promised land flowing with milk and honey. To my surprise out of my own mouth came the words “There are giants in the land!” 
It is a terrible and wonderful thing to have your heart filleted in front of you and there it is! The truth. Where I swore faith, faithlessness shown! Manager of my faith is what He said!  I must admit once it was out there the manager hat fit. It was just my size. And well worn to the shape of mine own noggin. I would hear from the Lord and receive His word and then take it from His hands and then……manage it. Okay, so this is what He said, how will it work? And I would box it in here, make it fit there, that doesn’t make sense, flip that and there it fits! How unbelievable to trade sonship for manager?!?  Heir in the kingdom of God reduced to clip board and pencil in hand, tongue out, eyes squinted as I pinch the numbers to make it all work out! 
 Managed faith manages to miss out on all that God has intended for . Faith that has trust gives wings to do the impossible ~ to be confident because God said “Go.” Real  faith conjures pictures of young boys who slay giants because God says He  is for us so who than can be against us? Real faith says I believe and know that the plans that God has for me are for good and not for evil so I Go. Real faith says my desire is that you author faith into my life. Write the pages full of faith and on this journey I will Go so that I might too be called the “friend” of God. It is not the destination but the journey!!!!!!!! So I Go!
“Thou wilt keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee.” (Isaiah 26:3) A wonderful Promise from the Lord to keep ready in your pocket as I have found necessary ~ for those on the journey of faith! ~  

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