Friday, April 1, 2011

Known and Unknown

    I recently saw the title for former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld auto-biography- “Known and Unknown.” The title is taken from a famous quote that was given during a press conference talking about the war in Iraq. Here is the quote “There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.” I remember the first time I heard this I admit I laughed, it seemed like typical political double speak nonsense.  The talking heads on all the cable news shows ridiculed him for it, but the more I thought about it the more I understood what was being communicated. (or maybe I’m just easily swayed I don’t know) 
    You see in the life of faith this is so true much of the time- there are things we absolutely know, things expressly revealed to us in the Word of God. There are things we realize we do not know and would like to know, will the Chargers ever win a Superbowl, will they stay in San Diego- you know the great questions in life. But there also things in this life that we do not know that we do not know them. For some, like those that must prepare and plan a war that have the lives on 1,000s they are responsible for, this can be a very fearful and anxious thing. They do all that they can to make sure they know all; they pour over the data, they gather the intelligence, they try to make the right decisions and go forward. Yet with all the technology and modern advances there is still the acknowledgment that there is so much that they simply cannot control and predict- let alone know. 
    Some Christians live their lives this way trying to figure everything out, what every step will look like, what it will all feel like. When they are not sure about it all they live anxious lives full of fear and uncertainty. I admit I’ve lived that way at times, but that is not how God wants His kids to live. We serve a good God who loves us and wants to bless us. Sure there are tough things that God allows us to go through, but we know it will all work out for good to those that love him. When Abraham left Ur and headed to the land God would show him there was so much he did not know, but what He did know was that God has called and God promised to bless him. My Pastor and father in the faith told me something that for me is heaven sent he said, “It’s not just destination that’s important, but the journey is just as important if not more.” On the journey Abraham learned to be the friend of God. He learned to listen to His voice, to respond in obedience.  He learned that God is good all the time, He came to know that God would bless and God would lead.  He learned that there are many things we can know about God, and there are many things we simply will not know until we are faced with them. 
    As we go to France there are things that God has let me know and they are exciting. I see the great need and know that God is going to do great things. But when I was asked recently by a friend what are you most excited about? I said, “the things that we do not know yet, but that God will shows us along the way.” 
    Know that God is good all the time, praise Him for what you do know, trust Him for the things you know you do not know, and be excited for the things that you do not know that you do not know. 

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